News Feed Discussions pain in my right groin going around my back pain in my right groin going around my back

  • ret

    April 17, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I had an MRI April 15 – MRI Visceral Pelvis without IV Contrast – they used Valsalva. The results showed/said:

    “Very tiny small fat-containing right inguinal hernia. There is no inguinal mass or fluid collection.No adenopathy or ascites. No significant pelvic floor laxity is appreciated on attempted Valsalva maneuver. However, if ther is persistent concern for pelvic floor laxity, MR defecography exam may be performed.”

    I do not know what MR defecogrpahy is and have not spoken to a surgeon yet, so I am not sure if this tiny hernia is cause for all of my pain and if surgery is the best course of action. What do you think?

    * I also never heard back fro Dr. Jacobs office- have to call*