News Feed Discussions Hidden Hernia? Can scans be read if emailed? Hidden Hernia? Can scans be read if emailed?

  • Dtkassel4028

    April 2, 2016 at 12:05 am

    Hidden Hernia? Can scans be read if emailed?

    Dr Towfigh I had another appt with my general dr and he did go to review both my ultrasound and CT scan with the radiologist with the intent to have the radiologist look specifically for hernias around the umbilical area. Both scans after reviewing came back with nothing found which I wasn’t surprised. Our next move is a MRI. What would your recommendation be on the MRI and how it should be done? After this test is done and reviewed if it comes back with the radiologist not finding anything I will be going to your online site and seeking you reading my MRI. I’m hoping it don’t come to this but I’m at the process of elimination here. Closest hernia specialist is looking like 8 hrs away. Thank you for your time and dedication to get this information out to Drs that don’t look at hernias in women because they can’t be seen or felt.