News Feed Discussions U.S. Health Care–not privatized but Socialized Medicine Reply To: U.S. Health Care–not privatized but Socialized Medicine

  • Watchful

    December 11, 2022 at 12:11 am

    It’s not clear from this podcast how “govt. subsidies” are involved in the emergence of these medical conglomerates. This doctor never really explains how that works. He makes some bizarre statements about FBI money and CIA money, and some other vague comments when asked about this.

    You can actually find examples of the opposite where state governments go after medical conglomerates/monopolies with antitrust lawsuits. For example, see the $575M antitrust settlement between California and Sutter Health.

    I don’t see how government can be blamed for the emergence of these medical monopolies, although it’s reasonable to say that the government doesn’t do enough to pursue antitrust.