News Feed Discussions Is mesh removal safe? Reply To: Is mesh removal safe?

  • Mesh

    March 26, 2017 at 9:39 pm

    Just my personal opinion and experience:

    There’s another side of this mesh problem and that’s the questionable marketing of hernia mesh removal. You have to ask yourself if and when it’s wise to remove the bullet and trust that the doctor who is consulting with you has your best interest and is qualified to successfully diagnose and recognize that you would actually benefit from such a risky and invasive procedure. This site offers multiple opinions from qualified surgeons. I can’t express the importance of that enough.

    I feel advocating hernia mesh removal without sufficiently and properly warning people the real risks of removal and neurectomies is only contributing to the problem. I have received calls from lost removal patients who regret having mesh removal, who feel they were misled and sold a dangerous procedure only to be made worse off from listening to a misleading consultation, patients who were abandoned and mistreated for a second time by a surgeon who mis represents and falsely advertises this dangerous procedure on his website.

    In my experience and others who I have talked to who have experienced different types of mesh removal:

    I didn’t know what torture was until I had my mesh removed. I am only writing this to warn and tell you to be careful of irresponsible mesh removal marketing, consultations and private practice websites that use fear based language and exaggerated success stories and testimonials to lure hopeful mesh victims into removal for seemingly experimental and case study purposes or for profit. Be careful of bait and switch tactics and the false sincerity of surgeons who may behave and have the exact same money motives as the original surgeon who inserted your mesh, possibly taking advantage of what they may see as a new “specialized” market to cash in on.

    If a website or surgeon is playing on your emotions and psyche making you wonder if you need to have your mesh removed after 3 months by using slogans like “you don’t have to live with the pain” you may want to ask yourself if it makes sense to endure a 2-3 year worse and torturous recovery or a possible lifetime of worse discomfort, disfunction, disability, disfigurement or dislocation of your private body parts. If you’re lucky enough to even make it through those grueling 2-3 years with your sanity you may be asking yourself why you removed it just to be permanently worse off than before removal.

    In my opinion. Please talk to MANY people who experienced whatever type of procedure it is you’re looking to have. Make sure they had your EXACT procedure and were not referred by the doctor or establishment that may be looking for business and ask many professionals and doctors their opinions before searching for answers on the internet where a private practice may be marketing vague, false and luring information based on only their own personal distorted hypothesis and theories vs official publications and facts. I know too many now who have fell into this trap.

    “Nothing should take 2-3 years to recover from.” – Dr. Wright

    In the future I would like to discuss
    why I think doctors avoid the topic of triple neurectomy, (the removal of 3 MAJOR MOTOR and sensory nerves in your groin.) When consulting with their hopefuls.

    Background checks on your surgeons and why they are important.