News Feed Discussions Options after open triple neurectomy + meshoma removal Options after open triple neurectomy + meshoma removal

  • jgens99218

    April 25, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Options after open triple neurectomy + meshoma removal

    Dr. Towfigh

    It is sometimes unclear to me when answers are provided regarding “Neurectomy”.

    For the sake of this question I will assume “Neurectomy” means the transection (completely cut or separation) of a nerve that is then buried in muscle tissue. This is done to prevent Neuroma?

    Joy states that she had a triple Neurectomy but was still in pain 18 months after the procedure. You state that neuroma is a known risk after neurectomy? I thought the buried nerve prevents this neuroma formation?

    If Joy had nerves that were cut and properly imbedded into muscle tissue it would seem she should no longer experience pain (at least pain caused by nerves). It would seem that another nerve operation “higher up closer to the Spine” would be unnecessary?

    Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
