Hernia repair without anesthesia
Thank You. I will try again. Dr. Towfigh, you being an expert in Hernia Surgeries, what in your opinion are the best tests to correctly diagnose a hernia and what kind of a hernia, i.e. femoral, inguinial and so forth and if it is a Hernia causing a person symptoms, i.e. bladder woes, low pelvic pains, low back discomfort, vaginal distress, etc. In the past I have had tests done for other reasons and a small hernia always shows up stating “fat incased” One US for another reason showed a Hernia, Intestine incased. No one made mention of these and I never questioned these incidental findings. Now, looking back, I wonder if all the heavy lifting I did in the past, is now plying havoc on me. I see a URO/GYN today for pelvic and bladder pains. I had a total hysto years ago and other female surgeries long ago. I want to be able to ask this URO/GYN the right questions and see if it could be hernia related and have the right tests ordered. So, many doctors are not up on this. Also, have you done surgery on a patient that could not have general anesthesia due to heart problems and being an older female. Thank You for your time and for this forum.
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