Two years after Surgery – Thanks to Dr. Goodyear
July 31st marks the end of 2 years since I went down the skillful knife of Dr. G for my right side IH. As most of you might know I am doing good and kicking well.I have no pain of any sort and doing everything. But due to my fears I still do not lift heavy objects since lifting may cause IH on left side. So life is going on. I walk daily, am a vegetarian, and when time allows, I take a jog or do window shopping in a mall. I had my physical and everything looks good. PCP also recommended I go for a Colonoscopy and a stress echo test for heart since my last stress test was 10+ years ago and never had Colon checked.
Colonoscopy is negative and is well. All blood tests are negative too. And stress test is negative. All organs good. There is one caveat. Since the IH is not causing me any trouble, I started eating too much and gained a bit of weight. Before the surgery I had pain if I ate more than one plate but now that pain is absent due to surgical repair; so I am eating too much. I am now close to 150 (used to be 145 plus or minus). Need to watch what I eat. huh? As before I continue to use one Vit B and one Niacin capsule almost daily. This Niacin helped control my TGL (were 230+ and after Niacin they came down to 90-120). If it matters to anyone, two days before surgery I had to drive from Chicago to Kentucky and IH caused me jerks while I drove. But two weeks ago we drove from KY to Niagara and came back with a round trip of 1800 miles and I had no pain; nothing.
The other “concern.” The surgical site still has some hard area on surface which I would say is like one inch. It feels hard when I touch it but no pain. It also itches occasionally. Sometimes the itch needs a comb to scratch [usually in bathroom.] But outside in office or elsewhere no itch, nothing. As Dr G said and Dr. Towfigh confirmed, the healing from surgical site takes several weeks to months and years. It is scratchy slow. 🙂 I am not worried a bit and let go.
Any questions for anyone I will be happy to answer. This is posted also at http://www.network54.com/Forum/557220/thread/1469814385/last-1469814385/Two+years+After+-+Thanks+to+Dr.+Goodyear.
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