News Feed Discussions Dr. William Meyers

  • Dr. William Meyers

    Posted by whitakerlane on February 21, 2017 at 3:31 am

    Hello! I had an inguinal hernia (that turned out to not even be a hernia) that required a mesh. I had the mesh entered, and the extreme inflammation has caused me pain for the past 7 months. I finally got a cortisone shot and it decreased the pain. In doing so, new pain emerged on the opposite side where I have an older mesh. This mesh has never before caused me pain.

    The pain is extremely uncomfortable on both sides (the new mesh and the older mesh that had never previously hurt). I’m only 22 and so I fear my life is ruined with chronic pain. I’m going to give it another 6 months or so because some people report the pain receding after a year or so. I’ll be only anti-inflammatories for the next 6 months because though the pain is only about a 4-6, it is CONSTANT. After those 6 months, if the pain hasn’t begun to recede after the anti-inflammatories wear off, I’m going to get both of the meshes removed. Dr. William Meyers of Vincera Institute in Philadelphia is the doctor that I believe is best equipped to do this surgery. He says he’s removed hundreds of meshes from the groin area in hundreds of patients. However, I can’t find really any testimonials. Perhaps that’s because most of his clients are high profile athletes who don’t really sit around on message boards because they have full time training staffs who have the knowledge. Can anybody speak for their experience with a Dr. William Meyers bilateral inguinal hernia mesh removal? Or something similar where Dr. Meyers removed your mesh? Please let me know! Thanks!

    drtowfigh replied 7 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    March 22, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    A comment about the other side, with the older mesh repair. If you have new pain years after a hernia repair, it is due to a recurrence of the hernia, unless proven otherwise. If performed open, the recurrence should be considered to be repaired laparoscopically, and vice versa.

  • Chaunce1234

    February 21, 2017 at 6:42 pm

    If you have not done so already I would highly encourage you to reach out directly to the Vincera Institute and request to speak with a doctor or clinician there directly about your case, despite having many very high profile clients they are remarkably reachable and will often speak with you over the phone before you head out to Philadelphia. They really have top-notch service.

    Much of Dr Meyers focus is on athletic injuries to the pelvis, groin, and abdomen, but they also address hernias, nerve entrapment, hip trouble, and other causes of groin pain. I haven’t seen much specific discussion about mesh removal from there but given their focus and expertise on the groin it’s certainly worth inquiring about.

    There are many discussions from various patients of Dr Meyers on “” its a runners forum, but most are for the “sports hernia” injury and so I don’t know how relevant it is to your case but it could be useful anyway

    Good luck and keep us updated on your case.

  • marcello71

    February 21, 2017 at 3:54 am

    Although I haven’t had removal by him, I thought he was great. Very professional, a nice guy & honest. His credentials are what first drew me there though, I mean Harvard then Columbia can you do any better then that? A bit pricey but what else would you expect from the dr they choose to operate on million dollar NFL groins…

    ‘Billy the kid’ Meyers is awesome & the facility is top notch too, have fun while your there I hear it’s always sunny in Philadelphia.

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