Strange new finding…
So I first came to the conclusion that I had a small inguinal hernia about ten months ago. No pain, just felt like there was a little “something” (squishy, maybe the size of an almond) in there, but I’d have to poke around with my finger to find it. When I did I felt like I could push it back up along the inguinal canal (but it didn’t feel sizable, solid or substantial enough to stay in one place).
None of that has changed, however I noticed this morning that when I bear down and Valsalva, there’s a small area near the top of the inguinal canal that feels like it “inflates” with air. When I push on it, there’s nothing underneath, as it’s not even in the exact same place as the “something.” No pain of any kind, just feels a tiny bit weird when I do it. Hadn’t heard of this, as everything I’ve seen suggests that the lump will contain hernia sac contents, not feel empty.
Does this mean anything or is it just more of the same: keep an eye on it and get it evaluated if there’s pain, it grows or becomes irreducible?
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