Someone with mesh removal and positive outcome?
Hi, I’m Paco from Spain.
I suffer from disabling chronic groin and testicular pain due a recent (5 months) inguinal open hernia repair with polypropilene “plug and mesh” (Rutkow-Robbins), wich actually I’ve discovered is a technique not recommended by European Union Hernia Advisory Board, due strong fibrosis, erosion, migration and high inguinodynia rates.
Additionally I’ve developed some kind of general immune inflamatory reaction and systemic central neurologic disorders after the mesh implant, with burning in my legs, feet and arms, “abacterian prostatitis like” most commonly known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, needles sensation in my armpits and joints, as well as collagenic tissue disorders.By the way my surgeon don’t care.
I’ve visited another surgeon with expertise in mesh and plug excision and anatomical reconstruction (Shouldice, Bassini and others), who thinks in a systemic (but not local) foreign body rejection, as well as a combined nerve mesh entrapment and irritation.
He suggest a removal of both meshes (plug and patch), careful disection of tissues, nerve identification with or without triple neurectomy, and anatomical reconstruction with the Shouldice technique if possible.
The main problem is according to it that is a laborious procedure (hours of surgery) but possible as he perform such very often.My concern is to know if someone here has done a mesh removal and/or neurectomy with a good outcome.
Likewise, to know thereafter if neurectomy (triple or simple) has serious complications, as my surgeon advised me that sometimes can form a painful neuroma, because the nerve try to find the cape and finishing shaping a neuroma. Also if the expected numbness sensation is unpleasant.
A lot of thanks.
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