News Feed Discussions Oceanic – and Watchful

  • Oceanic – and Watchful

    Posted by Harry on April 27, 2023 at 5:39 pm

    I notice that you both have a high opinion of Dr. Conze. How does he compare to Kang in your view. I read that Dr. Kang believes that the shouldice repair is overly invasive. And Dr. Conze primarily does Shouldice repairs? Or is he able to tailor a repair using many different techniques. I guess it comes down to a choice of do you want a low risk of recurrance- a big scar and a higher risk of chronic pain with Conze or shouldice vs. lower risk of pain and better cosmetics with Kang – but theoretically a higher risk of recurrance? Taking money out of the equation I am trying to find the best but its nearly impossible to know for sure.

    Freeman replied 1 year, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Freeman

    April 29, 2023 at 1:40 am

    Hi Harry and Watchful
    I had a shouldice inguinal surgery in Germany ( I mentionned on the thread “can we mention the germans”)with a BIO HERNIA surgeon in Francfurt. And I am now at 17 days post op. I am fine and the scar is healing very well. My incision ( 3,5 -4cm) has been closed with absorbable sutures. No metal stapples have been used. That why (may be) it looks very clean. A little disconfort remain when my body stretche or twist . The spot under the scar is still slightly swollen but it is ok. So I feel optimistic for the future.

  • Watchful

    April 28, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    Dr. Conze does a lot of Shouldice as well as Lichtenstein. He also does some revisional surgery.

    I believe Dr. Kang does only tissue repair now, although he used to do mesh. He has his own techniques. I think you are largely correct in your observation. One comment is that Dr. Conze makes a smaller incision than the Shouldice Hospital.

    It’s really a tough decision between the options you mentioned. My personal preference would be Conze because of his large number of good reviews, and the track record of Shouldice. Also, for those with a large hernia or bad tissue quality, Conze would be a better choice because he will not force a tissue repair on cases where it’s not a good fit.

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