News Feed Discussions Tissue Repair – Dr Towfigh?

  • Tissue Repair – Dr Towfigh?

    Posted by Unknown Member on May 26, 2023 at 5:27 am

    Thanks for responding to my tissue repair question…you seem to be the doc with the most repair options. Can you tell us what tissue repair you favor for someone who has had mesh removed? How many tissue repairs do you perform in a year? I had understood you to be primarily a lap surgeon….it seems most of the tissue guys have only one type of repair that they try to force no matter the circumstances…Watchful…is there another tissue doc who offers the variety that Dr Towfigh offers? Maybe Conze?

    drtowfigh replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • drtowfigh

    May 26, 2023 at 7:27 am

    I offer open, lap, robotic. As a hernia specialist it is important to know as many techniques as possible so that you can tailor to the needs of the patient.

    If mesh removal in the groin is necessary AND putting in mesh is relatively contraindicated OR the patient does not want another mesh repair AND a tissue repair is feasible, then it depends on the tissues, type of hernia, size of hernia which type of tissue repair I choose. There is no one size fits all. But I mostly repair normal size hernias with the Shouldice repair in these circumstances. But as I mentioned, all options are there and I may choose Marcy, Bassini, or Nyhus or McVay repair if other circumstances

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