News Feed Discussions Dr. Guy Voeller Memphis, TN Dr. Guy Voeller Memphis, TN

  • bharlan2001

    December 17, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    Dr. Guy Voeller Memphis, TN

    bharlan2001 (Robert Harlan 78 years old) reporting:

    Decided to approach Dr. Voeller first. Good choice. He is a professor at the University of Tennessee Medical School in Memphis, TN. He is a hernia specialist, has done studies on different meshes, has done 4,000 inguinal hernias, is a member of the Minimally Invasive Surgery unit at Baptist Memorial hospital in Memphis. He had all the right answers; polypropylene mesh, mesh anchored with glue, he would be doing the surgery, etc.

    I had lower abdominal, bilateral bulges for decades. Never even considered they were hernias. No pain, no activities restrictions, nothing. He called for an MRI as the right side bulge had enlarged considerably, in a matter of minutes, during a trip to Colorado last summer after a strenuous hike hike. After reviewing the MRI he said the hernias on both sides were “huge”. Surgery was scheduled for Nov. 2 with the plan to begin laparoscopicly(sp?) and switch to open if the first option was not feasible. The surgery was completed laparoscopicly. Recovery was relatively pain free with minimal opioid medication. At the 2 week followup Dr. Voeller upgraded the “huge” hernias to “massive”. Who knew. The last followup will be Dec. 21. All is good. My lower abdomen hasn’t been this flat in decades. Dr. Voeller was the right choice for me. I recommend him with no reservations.

    Happy Holidays,