News Feed Discussions inguinal hernia and pregnancy inguinal hernia and pregnancy

  • drtowfigh

    February 5, 2017 at 1:59 am

    inguinal hernia and pregnancy

    There is not a lot of data about pregnancy and hernia repair, but what I gather from the research (I’ve given many talks about this) and my own experience (I see a lot of women), below are the recommendations:

    1. Hernia repair can be safely performed prior to pregnancy, without affecting future pregnancy.
    2. Prefer 6 months between date of surgery and next pregnancy
    3. As a 92-lb female, in my practice, I would err on performing a tissue (non-mesh) repair, to reduce mesh-related chronic pain.
    4. Hernia pain is rarely a problem during pregnancy, but if you already have pain, best to just get it repaired..

    Good luck!