News Feed Discussions future of inguinal repair and PT future of inguinal repair and PT

  • WasInTN

    March 27, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    future of inguinal repair and PT

    I sense a lot of disgust and negative thinking in you. Beleive me I can think (and usuaully do) worse than you but over the years (due to age?) I decided that negative thinking is taking me nowhere. You, IMHO are concentrating on the problem. Instead, shift your idea to find a solution. Yes the surgery was done and no matter how hard you try you will never be the same like when you were 17 years old. That fact you must accept. Life is NEVER smooth to ANYONE. It always and regularly throws curveballs that hit us hard where it hurts most. But if all you want to do is to rue about what already happened, you are —- in the words of Joel Osteen (Caution: I am not preaching, I am not a christian but just like Joel)

    “You are pulling up the chair, with popcorn and recollecting all the movie that happened before again and again and making yourself miserable.”

    From your posts we all know how bad your condition is. YES it is bad BUT If you want to get better, you must stop rueing and ACT. Find a way. Is money your problem? Is pain your problem? Talk to the doctor who you trust, explain about the money problem and make a payment arrangement or do something. Posting here, and on NHPI and everywhere on internet is NOT a solution for you. It may help others but what about you? Or even ask for money from public help/local church/cloud funding/even your bank for a loan or whatever it takes. People are usually helpful and pitch in.

    I have gone through much worse but ultimately you are the one in hole and have to find a way to get out. If you are interested to stay in the hole with popcorn, chair and watch the old movie repeatedly, go ahead. It is your life. In the words of a famous monk, “If you want to be happy nobody can make you unhappy and if you want to be unhappy, nobody can make you happy.” But please recognize that after a couple of repeated posts from you people get bored and will stop commenting or helping.

    Decide to be happy, find a solution, fix it and move on. And move on you must. May be after all this you can write a book that will help a million people. Think about that. Best of luck