News Feed Discussions Post vasectomy complications Post vasectomy complications

  • drtowfigh

    February 1, 2016 at 4:51 am

    Post vasectomy complications

    Wow. This is truly complex.

    I do not see, from an anatomic standpoint, how the vasectomy itself could cause lateral femorcutaneous nerve damage. Those two areas are very far apart. Is it possible that you had genital branch of genitofemoral nerve damage at the time of vasectomy? Where on your body was it performed: the scrotal base or near the groin crease?

    It is possible that if the vasectomy procedure was performed at the groin crease and you had a lot of bleeding, that the pelvic nerves were irritated by the bleeding. That may take weeks to months to recover, but again, there should be no permanent damage to nerves due to the blood. Your body takes care of dissolving the clots on its own. The most you would have would be fibrous scar tissue in the area, and that scar is remodeled and softened with time, too.

    Your symptoms may either be completely unrelated or a result of too much treatment too early in your course.

    So I am stumped. Let me run this by my colleagues who specialize in some of these problems and get back to you on that.