News Feed Discussions 4 years of hip/groin pain. Help! 4 years of hip/groin pain. Help!

  • wes878

    June 15, 2016 at 3:41 am

    4 years of hip/groin pain. Help!

    Thanks for your response Dr. Towfigh. I saw another general surgeon yesterday. He looked at my recent MRI and said that he did not really see anything unusual. ( The MRI was not done with valsalva) On physical exam he said I could maybe have small hernias, but nothing obvious. He suggested that he could put some mesh in, even if I did not have an obvious hernia upon inflating my abdomen. He said it would cover both the inguinal area, and any possible sports hernias. He thought there was a 50/50 chance that this would give any improvement. I also have a hip surgeon that can do either a bursa removal, or a labrum reconstruction, in hopes that this could fix the issue. The surgeons could even both do their surgeries back to back, while I was under anesthesia. (They are friends) I am not sure which avenue to purse, as I don’t have any obvious hernia, nor an obvious labrum tear. Something is wrong though, as I can’t do any kind of physical activity without pain during or afterwards. I’ve had two labral repairs that have not worked, but not a labral reconstruction yet. I’m kind of leaning toward just doing everything at once in hope that something fixes the problem. Any advice? Is it a good idea to do a hernia surgey as a “maybe”? Thank you