News Feed Discussions Physiomesh Recall… Should I be concerned? Physiomesh Recall… Should I be concerned?

  • Chaunce123

    June 16, 2016 at 12:52 am

    Physiomesh Recall… Should I be concerned?

    You can (and perhaps should) ask the surgeon what mesh type or repair type they will be performing. I personally would always ask this question, I am a curious patient and like to be involved in decision making (whether doctors appreciate this or not, I am not sure 😆 )

    If there is a recalled mesh and you are going to have surgery, you can request that the recalled product will not be used.

    If you currently have recalled mesh installed in your body, and it is not bothering you, you may have nothing to worry about, but you could reach out to your surgeon anyway to ask questions.

    Either way, seek out a specialist for the procedure you are looking for. That is my recommendation.