News Feed Discussions Record Deadlift Saturday, Small Navel Bulge Sunday Record Deadlift Saturday, Small Navel Bulge Sunday

  • drtowfigh

    August 7, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    Record Deadlift Saturday, Small Navel Bulge Sunday

    Thanks for reaching out to our Forum. I hope you get your answers here, or at least some guidance.

    Most umbilical/belly button hernias are at or just above the belly button. Perhaps what you notice to be below the belly button is actually at the belly button. I say this because there are no naturally occurring hernias below the belly button.

    If you wish, reply with a picture of your hernia attached to your post and we can confirm this.

    That said, the short answer is: no, precise location of an umbilical hernia does not predict outcome. Size is a better predictor: smaller is better.

    In general, all hernias are at risk for increasing in size with time. That said, most powerlifters and athletes with strong core muscles do not have hernias as a result of their activity, unless there was undue strain. Once the hernia occurs, however, it is like a run in a sock or break in a zipper: it is likely to increase with more straining. The rate of size increase is unpredictable.