News Feed Discussions Black & Blue from Inguinal Hernia Black & Blue from Inguinal Hernia

  • WasInTN

    August 22, 2016 at 5:28 pm

    Black & Blue from Inguinal Hernia

    Did your surgeon say that the black and blue will disappear after a week? If not, that is a red signal. So do ask what will happen to this black and blue and how long it will last.

    Robotic surgery? What does that mean? Will he switch on some computer arms and go out of the room and come back when all lights are back on? or is he using a robotic arm to do this? How many such surgeries did he do like these before and can you talk to one of those patients and get feedback?

    Rule of thumb – second day after surgery during your night sleep when the bladder fills up slowly you should feel an erection. This proves that the nerves are intact and all is well. I felt one and asked Dr. G if that was a bad thing. He said, “no, it was a good thing.” First day only you will feel exhausted from pain, cut and the anesthesia. Dr. G asked me to walk and keep walking for the mesh to merge well. I walked in mall and in hotel room whenever I woke up from my sleep. I could not walk faster but no matter how sloe keep walking. I walked till my legs ached. It helps a lot.

    My advice – write all your questions from A to Z and talk to your surgeon (and those patients). If your surgeon thinks that you are asking too many questions and wasting his time, find another surgeon. No good surgeon – who really feels your pain and wants to help you – should feel that way. Good luck and please update your status.