News Feed Discussions Hernia after Vasectomy – is this possible? Dr. Towfigh, can you please answer? Reply To: Hernia after Vasectomy – is this possible? Dr. Towfigh, can you please answer?

  • Unknown Member

    January 15, 2018 at 10:12 pm

    The hernia could be causing symptoms but I doubt it, hernias can be huge and still cause no symptoms. Urologists act like vasectomys are a simple procedure just like hernia surgeons act like hernia surgery is a walk in the park for a patient and that is not the truth.
    Heres a little article I found.
    Post vasectomy pain syndrome remains one of the more challenging urological problems to manage. This can be a frustrating process for both the patient and clinician as there is no well recognized diagnostic regimen or reliable effective treatment.Many of these patients will end up seeing physicians across many disciplines,further frustrating them. The etiology of post vasectomy pain syndrome is not clearly delineated. Postulations include damage to the scrotal and spermatic cord nerve structures via inflammatory effects of the immune system, back pressure effects in the obstructed vas and epididymis, vascular stasis, nerve impingement, or perineural fibrosis.