News Feed Discussions Hernia Discussion Sex with inguinal hernia

  • Sex with inguinal hernia

    Posted by Miriade on March 21, 2024 at 10:26 am

    Hi! Because of a mild persistent testicular pain, was diagnosed with an indirect inguinal hernia, right side. A varicocele was also found.
    It is not an emergency, but doctor says that I should schedule a surgery as soon as I can manage. It is not visible from the outside. I am skinny.
    Went to two different urologists, who do not agree where the pain comes from.. one says that it is related to the varicocele… the other, because of the hernia, which actually caused the varicocele (not present in an image study from 2021)

    Using Ibuprofen and icing the area.. pain is very low now.. 1 out of 10.

    In the meantime while I wait for surgery, if there is no pain… do receptive CAREFUL anal sex/masturbation pose any risk to the hernia? Could it become an emergency?


    Christopher replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Christopher

    April 17, 2024 at 10:30 am

    Hi I’m a 36 year old male I want our story heard since this is the only media outlet where others like myself can speak to one another and it’s time we get together for ourselves and any future victims. That being said here is my story. I was really active fit enjoy all sorts of physical activities. I was a medic in the military with 2 deployments fitness trainer did mma and due to complications my whole life has been stolen from. Since 2015 I’ve had 10 surgeries causing me to lose both testicles leaving me urinary incontinent and now facing a 11th procedure in the future. Due to mesh. It has effected many aspects of my life from employment sex to every day activities. Worse of all my ability to get my son back in my life cause I’m having to take so much time for recovery. I think it’s time the doctors hospitals and companies take responsibility for the damage the mass tort cases only benefit the lawyers and the company by forcing to take the small settlement offered. Not one of us has had a say of any kind throughout the proceedings mostly radio silence and all I get from my lawyer at parker waichman is this how it’s done sad how you get better representation as a criminal I’m currently being offered 67000$ no help with medical or reoccurring costs each month and given the company earnings the entire settlement is just a slap on the wrist so if there are others out there like me please reach out they’re still using mesh and it could be your child in the future let’s end it now enough is enough

  • Dani

    March 21, 2024 at 10:49 am

    My Rt Inguinal Hernia has no bulge & cannot be physically seen also skinny younger male. However my first symptom was also severe testicular pain which has since become mild and less severe and ibuprofen usually calms it down. I have been keeping an active sex lifestyle because pain has become less since first started. I am getting surgery to no longer have to deal with pain. Sex has still been fine..

    • Miriade

      March 22, 2024 at 6:51 am

      Yes.. I am also going for the surgery. Since the doctor said this is not an urgency I am taking my time to look for the options.. what kind of procedure, which surgeon etc.
      In the meantime, even though I still have mild pain.. I hope that it will reduce soon.. and I am getting mad without sex (or masturbation, because it also hurts)
      If I become pain free before surgery, I would like to have sex… but on the other hand I don’t want to mess up things and get back to where I was. That is why I was asking here.
      In your case, what kind of sex… active or passive? Thanks!

      • Dani

        March 22, 2024 at 11:00 am

        My small hernia has not affected my sex life. Pain has significantly gone away but I am getting the surgery to be able to exercise and lift weight again. My biggest nerve/worry is that the surgery will affect my sex life after. Since I am getting non mesh

        • Miriade

          March 22, 2024 at 11:06 am

          I am also worried about chronic pain.. but at this point is a matter of luck. Finding the right surgeon with the right technique and crossing fingers so that the body “accepts” the new reality.
          Fortunately we are biased by the internet where most people reporting are the ones who have had problems. Those who have had succesful procedures have turned the page and are happy living their lives…

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