News Feed Discussions Hernia Discussion Any women with inguinal hernia experience?

  • Any women with inguinal hernia experience?

    Posted by aurora on May 20, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Hey everyone, new here 🙂

    I’m still in denial and hoping for a miracle, but here is my story…

    I’m a woman, 35 yo, been weightlifting and powerlifting for 8+ years, had 2 babies (4 and 1 yo) and 4 months ago had abdominal laparoscopic surgery to remove left ovary. No symptoms prior to surgery, but after the surgery during the recovery, once swelling came down I’ve noticed a small bulge on my left groin. Thinking it might be related to surgery and would go away, I’ve ignored it. A month ago I decided to ask about it my GP and after checking/coughing he told me it’s likely inguinal hernia. Feeling shocked, I requested ultrasound. I’m meeting my GP next week for the results, but sonographer already suggested it’s a hernia of 1cm.

    I keep wondering if it’s my previous abdominal surgery that caused it, but my GP doesn’t think so. But such a coincidence.

    I don’t have bad symptoms, it’s mainly slight discomfort in my left groin, sending towards my leg and back. Don’t mind to for watchful waiting, but if it’s better to fix it while it’s small, would rather do that of course. Read so much about hernias, I want to get the best treatment there is. I live in Europe and see many non mesh repair clinics in Germany, Dr Conze, etc. What concerns me is that there is little information about female patients. Are there any women here that had a non mesh repair and can share their experience, what technique was used, with what surgeon. I am concerned about chronic pains as a consequence of surgical treatment, therefore not in a rush for surgery right now.

    In the meantime, I am doing hernia exercises and stomach vacuums from YouTube, there are a few guys that claim they healed their inguinal hernia naturally.

    Anyways, thanks in advance for reading and hopefully commenting!

    drtowfigh replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • drtowfigh

    May 26, 2024 at 7:24 pm

    You’re so right. We have little data for women.

    We do know that women are more likely to have femoral hernias and watchful waiting is not safe for that type of hernia. So make sure you rule that out with the ultrasound evaluation.

    As a power lifter, I would recommend laparoscopic repair with mesh. But of course you have options.

    The prior surgery did not cause the hernia.

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