News Feed Discussions Hernia Discussion My right inguinal hernia mesh repair

  • My right inguinal hernia mesh repair

    Posted by V P KUMAR on June 16, 2024 at 8:16 am

    I had my right inguinal hernia laparoscopic surgery on 12th June. I am 74 M

    First of all I want to break the myth, that laparoscopic hernia mesh repair is a simple procedure. It is not.

    I have been reading many blogs in this sub and found them very useful , so I thought Day of writing down my experience as well.

    Day before operation…I went to the hospital and did a series of tests.

    Blood reports, urine report, echo , chest x ray, Ultra sound scan, cardiologist etc.The cardiologist cleared me for general anaesthesia.

    The scan showed I had a right inguinal hernia about 2.7 cm.

    The surgeon saw all reports and cleared for admission and the next day the laparoscopic mesh repair surgery was fixed.

    I was admitted to my room in the evening. No food or water after 12 midnight. They said I can sip a little water 2 -3 hours before surgery.

    I had my light dinner and slept.

    Day of the operation…. At 6 AM the nurse woke me up. I was shaved and enema given. BP and oxygen levels chequed and was taken in wheel chair to OT.

    There I was given general anaesthesia and I was off for next 2 hours. When I woke up I was in the recovery room. Bit groggy.

    I was told the surgeon had done Laparoscopic right inguinal hernia repair with mesh (TAPP)

    They gave some oxygen and then rolled me to my room at about 12 noon.

    I had no pain, but can’t get up from bed.

    I had an IV drip going and also a catheter was fixed.

    The surgeon came to check on me in the evening.He said the surgery was fine and I had to stay the night inthe hospital for observation.

    The night was terrible, because on one side IV drip and also catheter. I could not shift throughout the night and had some pain because of the catheter. I must have slept about an hour the whole night.

    Day 1 after operation… I was cleaned up in the morning and put on my home clothes. My catheter was removed and I slowly walked to the rest room and passed bright red urine. I was scared.

    At about 8 am the surgeon came on rounds. Checked me and told me everything is ok and I could be discharged today. The blood red urine he said will go away once I drink more water.

    I also had severe sore throat and difficulty in swallowing, because of the intubation. This he said will go away in 2 to 3 days.

    I got ready to go and sure enough the urine became clear within an hour.

    After clearing the hospital dues, I slowly walked to the car and someone drove me home.

    Reached home and lay down on the bed and slept peacefully.

    Day 2 after operation… Awoke with no pain. But could not get out of bed without help. Passed urine and back to bed.

    Once out of bed I could walk around slowly in the house. But sitting down , getting up. Lying down etc. was too painful.

    Throught out the day I slept and got out only to drink some soups and fruit.

    Day 3. Pain still bad on getting up or bending. While walking about I am comfortable.

    Had a shower and took off the compression bandage, they had put.

    Diet normal. Rich in protein and lot of roughage.

    Till now haven’t passed stools. Lot of gas being formed. Slight discomfort because of it.

    Was taking mild laxatives. Finally in the afternoon, I passed stools and it was relief. Now I am feeling a lot better.The pain on sitting or getting up etc. has decreased a lot. . I am walking about in the house about 3000 steps.

    I think I am on way to recovery. Normal work , bending etc. will be restricted to at least 3 weeks.

    V P KUMAR replied 3 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

    June 17, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Truelene mesh was used. I had to stay overnight just for observation.This is the norm in most hospitals in India. They keep you in the room, to see that you are ok for oral food and passing urine normally.

    Recovery is going smooth. I have a review in one week. Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by  V P KUMAR.
  • ed

    June 17, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    i wouldn’t do anything for at least 4 weeks. what type of mesh did they use? why did you have to stay overnight? anyway, hope your recovery goes well.

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