News Feed Discussions electric shock in right lower pelvic area electric shock in right lower pelvic area

  • drtowfigh

    June 30, 2014 at 5:03 am

    electric shock in right lower pelvic area

    Thanks for the great post. As I am sure you have read, many others who have contributed here have similar symptoms.

    Hernias can cause pelvic pain–sometimes debilitating. These can include vaginal pain, pain with intercourse, pain worse with sitting upright or bending. It may shoot into the vagina, down the leg, and/or a round the back.

    See a general surgeon. If they dismiss you, see another one. Pick one from the Americas Hernia Society website.

    Start with a dynamic dedicated hernia ultrasound. If that doesn’t show anything, get a non-contrast MRI pelvis with valsalva.

    Let us know how you do.

    Best wishes!