News Feed Discussions Could this be a hidden hernia ? Could this be a hidden hernia ?

  • drtowfigh

    September 23, 2014 at 6:03 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    No no no. You are not crazy. Your pain is real. You do not have to live with it.

    In fact, your story is a textbook case of a hernia. It’s been a long time since I have heard a story that points to a hernia from every single aspect.

    First, examination must be done standing.

    Second, your story is perfect for a hernia.

    Third, CT scan is very poor and inaccurate for smaller occult hidden hernias. We just published this data last month. Look up “Role of Imaging in Occult Hernias” in JAMA Surgery. MRI with valsalva is next step. And of course a skilled radiologist or surgeon specialist should interpret it.

    Do not give up. Find a surgeon who is a “believer”, as I call them, get your hernia(s) repaired, and move on with your joyous pain free life.