News Feed Discussions Thinking about "proper" evaluation: Chicago specialists? Reply To: Thinking about "proper" evaluation: Chicago specialists?

  • Tino_7

    August 27, 2019 at 3:05 pm
    quote UhOh!:

    The surest way is to strike that section of the consent form. There’s also a difference between “hold this” and “cut here.” But in reality I think it is imperative to have an honest discussion with the treating physician beforehand, to let them know what you are and are not comfortable with.

    You can do that and verbally request to the surgeon that you do not want residents involved in critical points of the surgery. Legally, that should bind them (must be in writing), but once you’re under sedation, what do you really know?

    Major teaching hospitals offer the best of care, whether Mayo or Cleveland Clinic or UCLA or Mass General, etc. – but these are teaching hospitals and in surgery, one should expect that the classroom training extends there.

    Get it in writing and hand mark the consent form and request a copy of the marked up copy with your signature and date prior to surgery.