News Feed Discussions Desarda vs Grischkan’s two-layer Shouldice, etc… Reply To: Desarda vs Grischkan’s two-layer Shouldice, etc…

  • DrBrown

    August 29, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    Each hernia repair needs to be tailored to the patient’s anatomy. Your surgeon should have all these various methods available and then choose which will give the best result for your situation. For example, in a young athlete with an indirect inguinal hernia, the Marcy hernia repair yields excellent results with minimal dissection and minimal postoperative pain.

    For direct inguinal hernias the Bassini, the Shouldice, and the Desarda are all excellent choices. The Bassini repair is a very good choice, especially if the floor of the inguinal canal is just weak and not fully torn. But there may more tension on the repair than the other techniques. The Desarda also provides excellent results. There is very little tension on the repair. But the Desarda repair does require a strong external oblique aponeurosis to serve as a patch to cover the inguinal floor. Therefore, it is not a good option if the external oblique aponeurosis is torn or weak. The Shouldice is an excellent operation. There little tension on the repair. The four-layer repair is very strong. But it does rely on an intact inguinal ligament and good tissue in the inguinal floor. Thus, there will be times when the Shouldice may not be possible.

    Bill Brown MD