News Feed Discussions Hernia Surgery Risks in an 88yr old Woman Hernia Surgery Risks in an 88yr old Woman

  • drtowfigh

    June 6, 2015 at 6:22 am

    Hernia Surgery Risks in an 88yr old Woman

    Surgical site infection is always a concern. I recommend showering with soap or antibacterial agent (Hibiclens) the night before and the day of surgery.
    Make sure she does not have a uronary infection or other infection at the time of surgery.
    Blood clots in the legs are dangerous and risky after surgery. Walking a lot before and after surgery will help reduce that.
    Do not shave the groin area yourself. Leave it up to the surgeon to do it the same day of surgery.
    Eat well. High protein diets tend to offer best healing nutrition. Also, can take extra Vitamin C and Zinc. That also helps with healing.
    Take Arnica 12c three times a day starting a few days prior to surgery and continue after surgery. You will notice less bruising, swelling and pain. Let your surgeon know.

    Good luck!