News Feed Discussions Is this a Hernia? In desperate need of help! Is this a Hernia? In desperate need of help!

  • ConcernedHusband

    August 7, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    Is this a Hernia? In desperate need of help!

    Hello Dr Earle,

    Thank you for the response. That was my thought initially as well, however the last two doctors we have spoken with claim it is just a “tight” muscle or describe it as general “Musculoskeletal soreness.” Our biggest issue so far is finding a doctor that will acknowledge the possibility that it is something rather just a tight muscle. From what I have read it sounds like these type of Lipoma’s are often misdiagnosed, since lipoma’s are not supposed to cause any pain. Unfortunately, we are limited in where we can go since our insurance is an HMO through the Kaiser network. Do you happen to know any doctors in the Kaiser system that would have some more knowledge in regards to this? At this point we are even willing to go out of the network if need be. I just want my wife to get her life back. She can barely bring groceries in the house from the car anymore. Thank you again for all the help.


    Concerned Husband