News Feed Discussions Dr. Towfigh – Neurectomy Dr. Towfigh – Neurectomy

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 7, 2015 at 2:00 am

    Dr. Towfigh – Neurectomy

    Thank you Doctor. This whole ordeal has been somewhat of a nightmare. The urologist who performed my denervation claimed that he had been doing the procedure for over 20 years and that everyone he had operated on had always gotten better. Afterwards, I found out that this wasn’t exactly true. When I developed the symptoms of nerve damage after surgery and was diagnosed by the pain doc with genitofemoral neuralgia, the urologist told me that my symptoms were brought on by anxiety.

    I guess “anxiety” is a buzzword that some surgeons use when they injure someone and don’t want to acknowledge what happened.

    Suffice to say, I’ve been treated pretty horribly through this whole ordeal. I kind of feel like I’ve seen the dark side of healthcare. I’ve been sold a procedure that I didn’t need, lied to, injured, then tossed aside like trash. No compassion for what this has done to my life, my family, and my career.

    Sorry for the rant! Sometimes I need to get it out.