News Feed Discussions Possible recurrent femoral/inguinal hernia for female Possible recurrent femoral/inguinal hernia for female

  • drtowfigh

    October 22, 2015 at 3:14 pm

    Possible recurrent femoral/inguinal hernia for female

    It’s possible that your CT dies in fact show the problem and it is misread, but after a hernia repair, the CT is a poor study to evaluate the groin and pelvis. The mesh does not look much different than the muscle adjacent to it on CT, but MRI is a much more sensitive study to evaluate your hernia and the pelvis.

    I would ask that your physician request a peer-to-peer review of the authorization and not accept the insurance company’s denial. They go by a protocol and non-physicians are making these decisions. Once a physician speaks to a physician and explains your situation, the MRI should be approved. I have yet to have one denied for my patients. But it takes time for the doctor to get this done. You can also have your ordering physician quote or send my manuscript that described in detail how MRIs are superior to CT for detection of small hernias. In my study, 10 0f 11 negative CT scans were positive on MRI.

    To help you best, I would need an MRI to read.