News Feed Discussions Dr. Towfigh – Neurectomy Dr. Towfigh – Neurectomy

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 27, 2015 at 10:18 am

    Dr. Towfigh – Neurectomy

    Thank you Doctor, I know it seems like a strange question but you don’t know how much your answer has helped me and I’ll explain why.

    I have been nervous about the prospect of having this nerve resected because I did not know anyone personally who has had this operation performed. However, I do have a friend who had to have an inguinal orchiectomy performed for cancer. He is now back to 100% of the person he was before the orchiectomy, is very active in sports and is pain free. Because of your answer, I know that he has had this nerve transected and thus I feel much more optimistic about what my own recovery will be and confident that I will be able to get back to the person I was before I sustained this nerve injury.

    I know it probably sounds weird, but your answer makes me want to hug you. Thank you so much 🙂