News Feed Discussions Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

  • drtowfigh

    January 4, 2016 at 2:18 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Hernias do recur in a subset of patients. Typically, these patients either have a genetic predisposition to getting hernias, or there is an underlying issue that hasn’t been addressed, such as straining with Bowel movements, nicotine use, obesity, chronic cough, etc, that predisposes one to hernia recurrence. These must be addressed prior to considering a third operation
    Also, many of us specialists resort to laparoscopic surgery for the redo hernia repair or to a different method of open mesh repair.
    We would have to review your operative reports to understand what was done and why you had the recurrences.
    Where do you live? Perhaps we can refer you to someone we know who can help with This process.