News Feed Discussions Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe? Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

  • drtowfigh

    January 27, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Groin hernias among women can be small, without bulge, yet highly symptomatic. The pain can go down the leg or around the back. It can be worse during the period. Laparoscopy needs to be done with extraperitoneal exploration. Routine laparoscopy misses most of these hernias.

    Meralgia paresthetica is different. It is pain (burning) only at the side of the thigh, not in the front. it is worse with standing. There is no groin pain or pain above the groin crease.

    Your story sounds like a hernia. Small ones can hurt.