News Feed Discussions Why might a groin hernia cause testicle pain and/or spermatic cord pain? Why might a groin hernia cause testicle pain and/or spermatic cord pain?

  • drtowfigh

    February 28, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    Why might a groin hernia cause testicle pain and/or spermatic cord pain?

    Why is that some groin hernias might cause pain in the testicle and/or cord pain?
    – We don’t know exactly, and we cannot predict which hernias in which patients will cause pain. There is a very broad range]Does the hernia itself sometimes internally compress against the ilioinguinal or genitofemoral groin nerves? [/i]
    – Yes

    Or is it inflammation from the hernia that irritates the nerves indirectly?
    – I think it is the direct pressure. The inflammation is also due to the incarceration or pressure.

    Is a surgeon typically able to actually visualize the cause of pain during a surgical procedure?
    – Depending on the type of pain, the surgeon can surmise why there was pain.