News Feed Discussions Need help in Austin, TX Need help in Austin, TX

  • drsickle

    March 27, 2016 at 2:15 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    This sounds like it could be an inguinal hernia, although they can be difficult to diagnose in women, particularly if they are small. If the MRI the gastroenterologist ordered was of the abdomen and pelvis, then sometimes the MRI can detect it. Most often, we order CT scans (abd/pelvis) with contrast to diagnose these, especially if you’ve had any prior surgery (including c-section, hysterectomy, etc.). It could also be a different type of hernia, a Spigelian hernia, as Dr. Towfigh mentioned and these can be seen on CT as well. My practice is in San Antonio, but if you’re willing to drive down I’ll be glad to see you; we could get the CT in the clinic in the morning before your appointment, that way I could see the images and examine you at the same visit. Our office number @ UTMedicine is 450-9200.