News Feed Discussions Weight training with *possible* inguinal hernia Weight training with *possible* inguinal hernia

  • DrEarle

    June 14, 2016 at 5:13 pm

    Weight training with *possible* inguinal hernia

    UhOh! Inguinal hernias that can barely be felt almost always do not contain bowel. Femoral hernias in obese patients being a notable exception. Let symptoms guide your activity. Probably the most strain you can put on your groin is coughing and sneezing. I would not worry about your breathing technique. If you want a more detailed exam, see a general surgeon that does hernias for a living. That doesn’t mean you have to get it fixed, but you’ll likely have a higher quality exam and more clear info about options. You can find a surgeon interested in hernia surgery at the Americas Hernia Society website, or ask you primary care doctor. Hope this helps!