News Feed Discussions Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia? Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?

  • Owen2016

    June 30, 2016 at 7:50 pm

    Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?

    Thank you for the follow up, I will look into the film review idea first and go from there. I was now offered nerve injections too but that made me hesitant if it does not assist in diagnosis or treatment, and if I had an anatomical problem like a hernia I don’t see how that would help anyway.

    Would sacroiliitis show up on the CAT scan? My thought is that vasitis would have been tackled by the battery of antibiotics but they keep wanting to prescribe more, I got the feeling it was a placebo and they just wanted me out of there quick.

    I have been paying more attention to the mild swelling in the area, it seems to be gone when I wake up in the morning and after on my back for a bit, but it appears again after a few minutes of standing or sitting. It doesn’t always hurt to press on the swelling area but sometimes it is tender to touch and pressure, I don’t know if that suggests anything.

    Could a small hernia be causing general groin pain but only sometimes be tender to direct touch?

    Could a small hernia sometimes irritate a groin nerve and make the pain worse and sometimes not be irritating a groin nerve?

    Is a nerve injection diagnostic for hernia?

    Is there a specific test for determining a hernia is a problem or not?