News Feed Discussions Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia? Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?

  • SpringsMan

    July 11, 2016 at 11:33 pm

    Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?

    May I ask a followup question? I have very similar pain and sensitivity but no inflammation. Also prior mesh placement 3-5 years ago, first an overlay and later reinforced, both with lightweight mesh.

    Is it possible that this could be nerve irritation from mesh? And how is decision made on true cause, if that is possible? I had recent CT, radiologist did not indicate problem. Wonder if different imaging (ultrasound?) or analysis by hernia specialist can show either nerve problem or small hernia as you mentioned.

    Do you look for different indications from imaging than a radiologist would?

    Thank you.