News Feed Discussions Do I Have a Hidden/Occult Hernia? Do I Have a Hidden/Occult Hernia?

  • hconcept

    July 18, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    Do I Have a Hidden/Occult Hernia?

    Hi Dr. Towfigh,

    Thank you so much for your reply. No, I have not had any surgeries of the abdomen. My pain is right above the belly button as you described. It is a very deep, gnawing pain: sometimes burning and sometimes a soreness. I also have pressure that pushes downward sometimes and it makes it very uncomfortable to walk. Is this also a symptom of a hernia?

    Not one of my doctors actually read the films themselves. They only read the reports. I was told to bring in my cd to one of my gastro doctors. When I gave it to her, she chuckled and told me she could not read it. She always goes off the report.

    I will look into the 2 doctors that you have recommended but I think I feel comfortable doing an online consultation with you and sending my records and images.

    Thank you again for responding.