News Feed Discussions Positive Cough impulse but negative ultrasound Positive Cough impulse but negative ultrasound

  • Paul277

    August 25, 2016 at 6:16 pm

    Positive Cough impulse but negative ultrasound

    Hi, thanks for your reply its much appreciated. Unfortunately these days one ultrasound is enough to operate for testicular cancer as they cant do biopsies on testicles. I did seek legal advice and it was ongoing for about a year but unfortunately the 3 nominated medical experts appointed by my solicitors said the hospital followed protocol. The ultrasound is 99% accurate for testicular cancer so unfortunately theres still the 1% who are misdiagnosed.

    I am no longer seeing those doctors anyway and am paying privately now as im desperate to get this sorted out. I have seen the uks top urologist in harley street and he hasnt been able to cure me as he thought i had a prostate problem but every time i type my symptoms in online it comes back as inguinal hernia.

    I have pain in my groin and my scrotum tightens up alot before bowel movements with relief after ive been. Its a feeling of intense pressure in my groin area and ive noticed a pattern with non stop pain for 2 days after every gym session so ive stopped going now.

    Do these symptoms sound like hernia to anyone? Im seeing the specialist again tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have more answers then.

