News Feed Discussions U.S. Health Care–not privatized but Socialized Medicine Reply To: U.S. Health Care–not privatized but Socialized Medicine

  • Watchful

    December 10, 2022 at 9:10 am

    I wouldn’t call it “socialized”. These medical conglomerates and monopolies are capitalistic entities. It is true that they effectively limit the quality and quantity of care, so there’s some similarity to what happens in socialized medicine.

    Another aspect of this is shared medical records within the conglomerates and across them. Patients have no privacy rights limiting access to their medical records by medical providers. This constrains the ability to seek meaningful additional opinions or obtain care from additional providers. Again, this effectively limits care. It’s also a very dangerous situation where any incorrect diagnosis or some other misguided opinion becomes sticky and ubiquitous negatively affecting your care.