News Feed Discussions Chronic inguinal hernia pain – UK surgeon(s) or Muschaweck? Reply To: Chronic inguinal hernia pain – UK surgeon(s) or Muschaweck?

  • Alex

    December 17, 2022 at 1:18 am

    Hi Rob. I just wondered if you ended up having surgery to fix the cause of your chronic pain?
    Your symptoms sound incredibly similar to mine (I’m 44 with right inguinal hernia mesh repair done in 2015) and I’m due to have my mesh removed at the 108 Harley Street Gilmore Groin Clinic in early Jan 2022. I’ve met Mr Marsh and feel confident he’s able to help. I’d previously consulted with about 10 surgeons which had left me spinning and full of doubt.
    But Mr Marsh not only seems to be an expert with these types of hernias/mesh’s, but also with the groin in general.
    Can you provide any further update on your situation?
    Many thanks indeed,