News Feed Discussions top hernia in wisconsin top hwrnia in wisvonsin

  • Beenthere

    October 2, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin

    It sounds like you are still seeing Dr. Greenberg.

    Where did you have your original surgery?

    Did you ask him how many total hernia surgeries he has done since he was licensed in 2011(I think that is the correct year) This is the Dr. doing them. Since this is a teaching hospital a large percent can are done by residents.

    Outcomes of the surgeries?

    What were the percentages of complications? What type of complications?

    How many triple triple neurotomies he had done? Outcomes?

    How many mesh removals he has done? Outcomes?

    What are the odds that you had your original surgery done by a teacher of your present surgeon over 1,000 miles apart. If I found out that my current surgeon was trained by the surgeon that caused my problems, I would be out the door and never return.

    Did you get the proper type of Ultrasound and MRI?

    Maybe Dr Towfigh could review the images. It takes a true specialist.

    Do they still have a 25 to 30% post surgical pain 1 year post op from hernia surgery?

    Maybe they could send you to Germany to have it done. I guess only star athletes get that special treatment.