News Feed Discussions Femoral hernia pain Femoral hernia pain

  • drtowfigh

    October 13, 2016 at 2:50 am

    Femoral hernia pain

    Yes yes and yes!

    As I’m reading your story I recall how many hundreds of times I’ve heard the same story, and a hernia was the cause of the chronic pelvic pain. In my patients, they never really had the diagnoses they were labeled with, such as IC and IBS. It just led them astray and delayed their diagnosis and therefore treatment. Many of my patients had hysterectomies unnecessarily. I even had a 20-year old female last week who was told she needs a hysterectomy for her chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis. I fixed her hernia. She’s pain free after 8 years.

    Hernias can be painful. Size is not a determinant of the pain. If anything, smaller hernias are more likely to hurt than larger hernias.

    Femoral hernias should be repaired regardless of symptoms. Laparoscopic repair with mesh is the gold standard.

    I know your NY hernia and sports hernia specialists. They are excellent. Stick with them. Your investment will be well worth it.

    And please tell them about our forum.