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  • Beenthere

    October 14, 2016 at 1:41 am

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin

    Gardner, It looks like from your response that either you or your insurance allows you to see almost anyone in the world unlike most of us. I mentioned Germany for another reason if you are local to UW Health.

    Pick up the book Unaccountable. Your statement about seeing the Director of Surgery at leading teaching facility reminds me of a chapter in the book. He could have done the surgery but maybe he had not performed a hernia surgery for years or a resident did your surgery. Who knows but the surgical team. Its hard going into a supposedly minor surgery and coming out in pain and changes your whole life and than dealing with hopefully getting it fixed so you can move on. I remember when my wife was driving me to my first hernia surgery I was kind of day dreaming and started thinking of the old nursery rhyme humpty dumpty, maybe it was sixth sense and I should had her turn around.

    I read the post but I could not find were it stated Dr. Greenberg did the surgery, maybe I missed it.

    As someone who”s parents and myself were born at the old UW hospital, grow up in the dirt when they were building the current facility our family had many Dr. friends as neighbors and they stated if you need basic surgery go to General or Methodist but if you need cutting edge go to where Dr Greenberg practices.

    Dr Greenberg might be the best surgeon,( who seems to be very thoughtful and honest) in the nation but there are many how do this all day long and have done hundreds if not thousand of removal’s’ instead one here and there.

    Get a copy or review all of your medical records, I was shocked when I reviewed mine.

    Wish you the best, it is a hard decision to make. Beenthere!