News Feed Discussions How to overcome fear/anxiety and make yourself accept that you need surgery? Reply To: How to overcome fear/anxiety and make yourself accept that you need surgery?

  • geoedief

    February 23, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    Just to the question in the OP,we have a country here in Ireland where they will look after you to the best of their abilities no matter how much money you have.

    I had just left my hernia for a few years until ,one day it would not “go back in” and I knew then that I had to see the doctor.

    He examined me and sent me to the hospital with the instruction to wait there until I was seen to.

    In the middle of Covid the waiting queues were very bad but I was lucky to get a bed and so my operation took place the same day.

    Had I not got that operation there and then I am sure I would have had to come back again quite soon as it already felt a lot different and it was an excruciating process for the surgeon to push it back in manually and forcefully during the pre surgery examination.