News Feed Discussions Femoral hernia Femoral hernia

  • mela414

    October 24, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    Femoral hernia

    Beenthere, how are you doing now? It’s only 4 days since my surgery and of course I am having some anxiety hoping that everything will heal correctly. Ive never had hernia surgery before but have had several laporoscopies for endometriosis, adhesions and hysterectomy. Each time u was told everything was ok and then pain would return and somewhere down the road I would need another surgery. My last surgery for adhesions was 12 years ago. That surgery was successful and helped so much with pain until
    All this started A few months ago. It took a while
    To even get a diagnosis. And that only happened at my own intervention and pushing for MRI and consults with different types of doctors. So when my surgeon says I should be fine now I am a little skeptical in believing him. It’s not good for me mentally but is very realistic. Only time will tell. The healing process is slow so all I can do is take are of myself and wait.
    I hope you are feeling well.