News Feed Discussions Does this sound like a Hernia (either abdominal or incisional)?? Reply To: Does this sound like a Hernia (either abdominal or incisional)??

  • wbee

    October 22, 2017 at 8:23 pm

    I forgot to add that during the abdominal ultrasound, the tech did have me bear down when she was trying to check the painful area. But just wondering if it makes a difference, she seemed to be positioning the US head just under my ribcage, which was superior to the location of the swelling and painful region, not actually on it. I pointed to a lower spot, and she’d say that if it’s intestines, you can’t see that with US. My General Practitioner also had me bear down while lying down, and he said he could feel “something” when he initially said it’s a hernia. After the normal US results, he said if it is hernia, then it could be a very small one then.